Water tests
Water is widely used as raw material, inactive ingredient, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) as well as in cleaning applications. The testing of water samples from a water system is critical to the ongoing control of the system and assessment of the quality of the water being used. Control of the microbiological quality of water is important for many of its uses.
At Hy laboratories, we offer testing of the water system which includes bacteriological tests and endotoxin tests. The bacteriological test is performed using mostly membrane filtration method, after that the filter is placed on a suitable agar medium for detection of the total count, coliforms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus, etc.
Some grades of pharmaceutical waters, such as those used in parenteral applications (e.g., Water for Injection, Water for Hemodialysis, and the sterilized packaged waters made from Water for Injection) strictly limit the number of endotoxins. BET (bacterial endotoxin test) is done using any of the methods suitable for water: Gel clot, turbidimetric or chromogenic.
Hy Laboratories also offer the service of our skilled and certified samplers. Our samplers will come to your facility and perform sampling of the water system, then delivers it to the lab, in a timely manner, to perform the analysis.
We also offer Complementary tests for Water Tests: Bacterial Identification, Ecology, and Morphology.