Respiratory Assays

Simultaneous detection and di­erentiation of major respiratory viruses or bacteria

·       Simultaneous detection and di­erentiation of major respiratory viruses or bacteria

·       Multiplex PCR with high sensitivity and speci‑city by applying MuDT™ technology

·       Applicable for automated analysis instrument and direct connection to the LIS

·       Accurate system for result interpretation (included Internal Control and Positive Control

·       Contamination prevention system

Available products:

  • Allplex RV Essential Assay – Essential screening assay of 7 viruses in a single tube
  • Allplex SARS-CoV-2 Assay Detection and identification of 4 target genes for SARS-CoV-2
  • Allplex Respiratory Panel Assays- composed of 4 di‑erent panels, is a multiplex one-step real-time RT-PCR assay to detect and identify 16 viruses, 3 Flu A subtypes and 7 bacteria in patient’s specimens

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