HyLabsProductsFood & water, Veterinary DiagnosticPrepared MediaDry media platesCompact Dry PA (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)

Product: Compact Dry PA (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)


Compact Dry PA is a ready to use plate for detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Sample pretreatment

Viable count in water or liquid foodstuff
Drop 1 ml of specimen (dilute if necessary) in the middle of the Compact Dry plate.

Viable count in water using membrane filtration

Add 1 ml diluent, e.g. Peptone water or other appropriate diluent according to EN ISO 6887 in the middle of the plate. Filtrate 100 ml of water sample (or more e.g. 250 ml for bottled water) using a 47 mm diameter, sterile membra-ne with 0.45 µm pore size. Directly after the end of filtration apply the filter on the pre-moisturized Compact Dry plate. Take care that the filtration side is upwards.

Viable count in solid foodstuff

Add appropriate volume of buffer solution (e.g. PBS, 1 part solid foodstuff + 9 parts buffer) to the sample and homogenize using a stomacher® and suitable stomacher® bags. Drop 1 ml of homogenized sample (dilute if necessary) on the middle of the dry sheet of the Compact Dry plate.

Viable count in swab test specimen

Use the Compact Dry Swab offered by HyServe Id-No. 1 002 952/3 (40/240 pieces and wipe an appropriate area of the surface and put it back into the device with wiping solution. Shake the closed device vigorously. Drop 1 ml of wiping solution (dilute if necessary) the middle of the Compact Dry plate.

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        [1] => 38
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