HyLabsProductsResearchPCR & qPCRHy-Ready MixesHy-SYBR power mix (x2)

Product: Hy-SYBR power mix (x2)

Cat No. IMES2102R

Hy-SYBR Power Mix is designed for high performance, high throughput, high specificity real time PCR. The kit contains a Hot Start Taq DNA polymerase engineered through a process of molecular evolution. The result is a n unique enzyme, specifically designed for qPCR using SYBR® Green I dye chemistry.

Hy SYBR Power qPCR mix is a convenient premix of the components (except primers, template, and water) necessary to perform real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using SYBR® Green I dye with enhanced sensitivity and specificity. The SYBR® Green dye binds to double stranded (ds) DNA, thus providing a fluorescent signal that reflects the amount of dsDNA product generated during PCR


  • Gene expression analysis
  • Low copy gene detection
  • Microarray validation
  • Gene knockdown validation

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        [0] => 13
        [1] => 38
        [2] => 234
        [3] => 53